In 2020, ASX-listed Santana Minerals Ltd bought Matakanui Gold which had the exploration permits at Bendigo-Ophir, drilling continued in 2021 when the Rise and Shine (RAS) discovery hole was drilled at 40.3m @ 2.05g/t gold.

In 2024, Santana updated its Mineral Resource Estimate and declared RAS to be the most significant single gold discovery in New Zealand in four decades with 2.2Moz of gold at 2.2g/t. Our project has the potential to generate between 100,000 and120,000 ounces of gold each year, and bring significant economic benefits to the surrounding community.

| Discovery of gold at Bendigo-Ophir

In 2012 Depot Corporation Ltd led by Santana Director Kim Bunting, began regional exploration in the Rise and Shine valley using track and trail regolith mapping, rock chip sampling, and portable XRF soil geochemistry.

In 2014 Depot Corporation vended its exploration permits to Matakanui Gold Limited (MGL) and MGL applied for and was granted a further three permits including the permit over the main prospects along the Rise and Shine Shear Zone (RSSZ).

If you have any questions or want to hear about our plans for the Bendigo-Ophir project, get in touch with us at